Ways for handling method

(1) Yuli Liquid Fertilizer contains precipitate. May shake well a few minutes before use.

(2) Pour the whole barrel of Yuli Liquid Fertilizer into a pail.

(3) Stir well the Yuli Liquid Fertilizer until homogenous. Remember not to dilute the Yuli Liquid Fertilizer with water or other material.

(4) Yuli Liquid Fertilizer must handling with certain technique. Yuli Liquid Fertilizer use only on suitable plant.

(5) Result from the fertilizer normally come out within 3 month. Reuse again the fertilizer after 3 month.

  • Drill hole about 22mm, hole depth 8-10 with slant 45 on tree trunk. Put in a 6 inci long PVC pipe inside the hole.
  • Inject 60ml fertilizer into the tree trunk through the pipe.
  • Refill same dosage through the same pipe once every 3 months, approximate depending on the soil condition and age of tree.



Nutrients Present in YULI FERTILIZER


Bacillus Catenulatus

Decompose organic and inorganic matters into nutrients.

Bacillus Careus

Balance ph and cation conversion capacity(CCC) that treats acidic soil.

Bacillus Drentensis

Increase organic matter and humus in the soil.

Bacillus Firmus

Strengthen soil structure,air content and drought resistance.

Bacillus Flexus

Increase air/oxygen content and aerobic processes.

Bacillus Megaterium

Enhance growth of roots and root-hairs.

Bacillus Niacini

Boost availabitily of all macro and micronutrients in the soil.

Bacillus Teguilensis

Produce enzymes and phytohormones which are essential for trees.

Bacillus Subtilis

Increase content of all macro and micronutrients which are balanced in leaves thus increasing the rate of photosynthesis which in turn,influences all vegetative and productive processes.

Bacillus Thuringiensis

Produce antibiotics, increase resistance to diseases,inhibit and control growth of pathogen bacteria like ganoderma that cause truch decay and other ailments .